February 20, 2018


WOW, oh wow! God sure knows how to move, like who knew... HA. 
Coming back this from break this semester was such a challenge. 
But let me back it up a little.

Last semester I applied to be on the BCM's (baptist collegiate ministry I am involved with on campus) leadership team, I am now on the hospitality team. I freakin love it, it's such a fit; since last graduation I've found my love for people, and through this team I get to serve those people I love dearly. Its been so awesome and I can't wait to continue with it (btw my team ROCKS). 

With a new semester means new classes. 
I felt so distant from God within the first two weeks of classes. 
I struggled ... a lot. I knew getting used to having a new set of classes every couple of months would take some adjusting, but I didn't expect to struggle like I did. I was so extremely nervous and FULL of anxiety.
At one point I called my mom and let her talk my ear off to call me and on the other side of the line I was balling because I just wanted to go home, she still doesn't know this ( lol hi mom! I know you are reading this!)
anxious anxious anxious
it ate me alive

I honestly cried and CRIED out to God why this happened and why I was having anxiety again, especially because it hadn't been that bad since LAST April. 

I realized I wasn't having time with God and listening to him or even praying. I let the busyness of school completely overtake me. 
it all made sense I didn't have Gods word rooted in me
I wasn't even processing what God has been trying to tell me. 

I had a longgggg talk with God and surprisingly not right then and there obviously I realized my anxiety was silly and had an overwhelming sense of peace wash over me.

Since the middle of January I been running around non-stop with friends, school, the BCM and Phi Lamb!!

I got the amazing opportunity to go to SMU in Dallas for a Phi Lamb leadership conference!! Such a fun time!! Also if I met you there leave a comment or something !!

did I mention I am a APPOINTED OFFICER...!!!!
HA... definitely not the plan but I really felt that I needed to apply and .... I got it. 
I received the position of SisterHood Chair 1 of 3 girls. 
Its been a journey and being able to serve the girls in Phi Lamb by planning bonding events its like  a dream. To be honest I haven't prayed all too much about leadership specifically in Phi Lamb God just kinda placed this in my lap. It's been a EXTREME learning experience knowing you can't please everyone. I love it though. I am excited for what's to come!!

PRO LIFE TIP: introduce your friends to your other friends....
SURPRISE they will love each other!

literally all of January looking back on it I've done this a handful of times on accident and its been so cool to see all the different areas of my life mesh. 
God is so FREAKING COOL like that


Whoever may be reading this I would really like to pray for you along with a prayer request of mine!
I have no idea what in the heck I'm doing this summer. There is A LOT of pressure when surrounded by so many opportunities to grow and serve others and grow over the summer. 
So I ask that you would pray that I am obedient and open to whatever God wants to me to do this summer.
 I don't want to waste the time I've been granted. 

*back to your regularly scheduled blog post*

In this busy season of life I am in I've learned to be ever so grateful to be able to BE BUSY.
Not everyone can run around all the time or at all. Just trying to be humble with what I've been granted, a busy life and I love it. No complaints (if I do complain you have permission to throw a verse at me and literally hit me ((@the hive)). <<< not kidding lol.

This is a fun life. Thank you God. 

p.s. the Carrillo Fam has a new member #gethyped #ITSAGIRL 

Love, Celine

1 comment

  1. You amaze me daily with you overcoming your anxiety and moving forward with the day God has gifted you. It’s a mix of emotions, as a mom to listen to, to see you, and to hear you be anxious. I wish there was a light switch to turn off the anxiety. However, I know God would not place anything in your path or anyone for that matter, that can stop you from the ‘calling God, has for you. You are a ‘big girl,’ now. And being an adult is hard in it’s self, but you are moving in the right direction. We are so proud of you. No matter where the journey takes you, you always have a community, family, and friends believing in you! You will always have a place at home no matter how old you are, no matter the reason for the visit or stay. I will always have a hug waiting and a fresh cup of coffee! Love you dearly! Your OSU Mom❤️(Ps I wish they had an orange colored heart emoji!)


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